Friday, February 23, 2007

Mr. Clean Tell me is that really you? I wonder what you've done to become so big and dumb I know you can't change your lifestyle once again....

There we go - my day was just made- I got to put some Millencolin lyrics in the title of the post. Today I learned a lot more about colour in life drawing. The presence of a model, and the amount of colour schemes we push out in the 3 hours of class was phenominal for teaching me about colour theory. Not the sort of colour theory that you can read in a book - I've memorized most of that a long time ago, but the kind of practical colour theory. That said, the life drawings that I am posting may not be the best, in fact they are not my best, but they are a true representation of what I did today, and I think that I lreand a lot about colour, and they were very successful colour studies despite their failure as drawings.

I also speant 5 hours cleaning up the carriage. Well, not quite, a little under 5 hours. cleaning up takes a loooong time to make it looks nice. I think I succeeded on the first few, but once I got to the 3/4 drawing, I think my ellipses were off, and my line weight was not quite up to par. oh well.

For the remaining hour of the night, it's either Star Wars Galaxies, or colour experiments for me. I know what I should do, but I might just relax. I feel like I deserve it. yeah - there you go - I said the D word that I hate. Deserve. Recoil in disgust.

1 comment:

Coelasquid said...

Way to be industrious, Will :P Great carriage.

Man, my life drawings in today's class were shit until I went crazy and started drawing the model as "Jason Voorhees VS Snakes!" and stuff like that.